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32 documents
Date du document
  • Determination of relevant indicators for environmental monitoring a strategy for Europe DIESE.PNG

    Determination of relevant indicators for environmental monitoring: a strategy for Europe (DIESE)

  • mister.jpg

    Mine shafts : improving security and new tools for the evaluation of risks (MISSTER)

  • Couv -  DRA-15-149659-05857A.PNG

    The Guide to Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) Engineering

  • Couv - DRS-15-149641-02735A- -.PNG

    Lessons learned from accidents related to the exploration and production of hydrocarbons

  • omega13.jpg

    Omega 13 report - Standard boil-over and thin layer boil-over

  • ALARP.jpg

    Guide to Implement the ALARP Principle for Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE)

  • MISSTER Handbook for securing shafts.PNG

    MISSTER Handbook for securing shafts

  • DRA-12-125630-04945B.PNG

    Omega 15 - Formalization of knowledge and tools in the area of major risks - Vessel bursts, phenomenology and effect modelling

  • DRA-11-117743-08553A.PNG

    Comparative performance tests on flame detectors