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53 documents

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  • cogus.gif

    COGUS2 2019 - Programme du séminaire du 12 au 14 février à Nancy (Campus Artem)

  • 7-165804-11313AEN.jpg

    Advantages and disadvantages of recycling materials containing hazardous additives: An economic approach and illustration with the case of soft PVC and DEHP

  • surveillance.jpg

    Benzene and Benzo(a)Pyrene emissions monitoring and reduction in the vicinity of coke ovens: European state of the art and advancements

  • Determination of relevant indicators for environmental monitoring a strategy for Europe DIESE.PNG

    Determination of relevant indicators for environmental monitoring: a strategy for Europe (DIESE)

  • Couv - Innovative technologies for geotechnical and microseismic monitoring.PNG

    Innovative technologies for geotechnical and microseismic monitoring

  • Air quality management.PNG

    Air quality management at Ineris

  • Plaquette commerciale - version anglaise.PNG

    Plaquette commerciale - version anglaise

  • nutschell.jpg

    Ineris in a nutshell

  • mister.jpg

    Mine shafts : improving security and new tools for the evaluation of risks (MISSTER)