Post-mining: Ineris takes part in the Mine Closure 2024 conference

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From November 26 to 28, Ineris took part in Perth (Australia), the world's leading scientific event in the field of mine closure.

Organized by the Australian Center for Geomechanics, the MineClosure 2024 conference brings together leading international experts, researchers and industrialists involved in post-mining management, to share technical, organizational and regulatory advances. In addition to covering the situation in the world's different mining basins, this conference is unique in that it addresses the pressing issues associated with mine closure through the eyes of a wide variety of disciplinary fields.

Marwan Al Heib and Nathalie Velly presented the work carried out by the Institute as part of the European POMHAZ project to define a multi-hazard index to assess the interaction of post-mining hazards.

POMHAZ (Post-Mining Multi-Hazards evaluation for land-planning) is a project coordinated by Ineris and co-financed by the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). Its aim is to improve multi-hazard analysis methodologies and tools at the scale of a mining basin. It involves 6 partners involved in post-mining management (CERTH, GIG, THGA-DMT, PCC, SRK, University of Freiberg) from 4 different European countries (Germany, France, Greece and Poland).