
Ineris participates in numerous standards committees in France, Europe (CEN) and abroad (ISO).

Ineris provides technical experts to numerous standardization committees in France, among whose are selected delegates for Europe (CEN) and abroad (ISO).

Ineris regularly publishes testing methods and best practice guides in the aim of supporting the development of public policies through its research and support programs. Almost 90 of Ineris’ experts are involved in standards commissions. They oversee approximately 170 national commissions, 80 European technical committees and 100 international technical committees, serving as chairs or in other leadership roles.
Via its research and support programs, Ineris elaborates and regularly publishes testing methods and best practice guides aiming at supporting the development of public policies. Almost 90 of Ineris’ experts are involved in standardization activities. They oversee ca. 170 national, 80 European and 100 International technical committees, serving as chairs or in other leadership roles if required.


“Standardization is an activity in the public interest, the purpose of which is to provide reference documents drawn up consensually, by all interested parties, on the rules, characteristics, recommendations for and examples of good practice in relation to products, services, methods, processes and organizations. It aims to encourage economic development and innovation while accounting for sustainable development goals.” Decree No. 2009-697 of June 16, 2009. “Standardization is an activity in the common interest, the purpose of which is to provide reference documents on rules, characteristics, recommendations for and examples of good practice in relation to products, services, methods, processes and organizations, drafted by all interested parties, to represent their consensus. It aims to promote economic development and innovation while accounting for sustainable development goals.”

French Decree No. 2009-697 of June 16, 2009.