Research: The Institute’s Scientific Approach

Research at Ineris is financed by a [research] grant from the French government, through calls for research from the EU (Framework Programme for Research and Development, PCRD), national bodies (ANR, ADEME, ANSES, etc.), regional French authorities (particularly Hauts-de-France) and through business research partnerships. Ineris' research is structured into branches that draw upon a wide range of scientific expertise.

physics, chemistry, mathematics applied to modelling, earth and life sciences, sociology, economics, etc..
Acting as an intermediary between  basic research centers and stakeholders dealing with risks in need of expertise, the Institute conducts applied research in close partnership with top academic and private research teams in France, Europe, and around the world.
Today, these partnerships take the form of:
- Two joint research units with universities.
- Collaboration with educational research institutions and with research and expertise organizations.
- Joint Industrial Partnerships.
- Collaborative research projects financed by National Agencies as investments in future development.
- European Union and international programs.
- Research projects in partnership with private companies.

With the addition of this external financing, the Institute’s total research budget is double the amount of the government grant and represents about 20% of its total activity.

Our main lines of research are defined in the Objectives and Performance Contract. They are elaborated in relationship with our governing bodies, the Scientific Council and CORE.

Research operations are evaluated ex ante and ex post by the Specialized Scientific Committees for each branch: accidental risks, chronic risks, ground-level and ground-underground risks.

Approximately 120 PhDs and engineers perform the research work along with expertise, consulting, and public policy support missions, thus interweaving the three objectives of the Institute. They also supervise around 40 PhD candidates.
Research is organized into 14 axes that have defined objectives, subjects, and methods over a period of 5 to 10 years. Each research axis is related to a subject in support of public policies.
Our scientific output fulfils the requirements of the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) both in quality and quantity, with over 100 publications in ISI-indexed journals, widely used publications for technical guides, operational manuals and industrial applications.
The institute has a strong desire to contribute to science and to make its findings widely available to innovators, decision-makers, and risk managers (environmental quality associations, professional organizations, business organizations, health agencies, etc.). It publishes therefore, its scientific material on a wide range of media.