Circular economy and waste

The decree of August 18, 2015, on the energy transition for green growth, reinforced the concept of the circular economy which is an ambitious policy for preventing and recovering waste and reassessment of resource production.
Ineris supports this transition by applying its cross-disciplinary and in-depth knowledge to the entire waste identification chain.

Characterizing the dangers of waste


Ineris characterizes the substances that constitute waste; determines their ecotoxicity, flammability, explosiveness and geochemistry; and proposes hazard classifications compliant with regulations in force (ICPE, CLP, SEVESO 3, TMD, etc.).

Evaluating risks in waste recovery processes

The waste recovery process introduces variables that can give rise to specific risks. The Institute studies the behaviour of materials in this new environment: corrosion, self-heating, process intensification, etc. In line with public policy, these studies have supported over recent years, the development of methanization and the injection of biogas into the network.

Supporting the waste recovery and recycling industries

The Institute provides support to the industries that give a second life to products. Using its Ardevie waste behaviour platform in Aix-en-Provence, the Institute develops experimental and modelling tools to help understand the long-term characteristics of waste.

Helping make the local transition

The Institute is involved in local efforts to promote the circular economy. It helps draw up Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plans, contributing to making “product/process/channel” choices that are sustainable and adapted to the community.