Participation in the technical meeting of European experts on the standardisation of air quality assessment methods

On 20 and 21 June, Ineris, IMT Nord Europe and AFNOR will be attending the annual CEN/TC 264 Air Quality meeting, which will be held in Antwerp, Belgium. It brings together some fifteen participants from the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Italy and the Joint Research Centre and is organised by VITO*.

CEN/TC 264 is responsible for the standardisation of methods for assessing the air quality of emissions, ambient air, indoor air, and gases in or released from the ground and deposits. This includes, in particular, methods for measuring atmospheric pollutants (e.g. particles, gases, odours, microorganisms, etc.), meteorological variables and methods of testing the efficacy of gas purification systems. Ineris participates in the work of CEN/TC 264 on the assessment of atmospheric emissions, but also assesses ambient air as part of its responsibilities on behalf of the French Central Laboratory for Air Quality Surveillance (LCSQA).

The annual meeting serves as an opportunity to review ongoing work and discuss matters of current interest.


(*) VITO is an independent Flemish research organisation in the area of cleantech and sustainable development.