Post-mines – Merida Project annual meeting

Réunion annuelle
Ineris (the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) welcome partners of the European Merida Project on 10 and 11 January. It will be rounded off with a visit to the underground geotechnical platform (Saint-Maximin, Oise), which allows the Institute to assess the stability of underground projects.

The purpose of Merida is to develop a methodology for managing the environmental impacts and risks related to closing coal mines. It also aims to produce a tool that can be generalised for all types of sites for the sector’s industrialists and decision-makers.
This research project, under the RFCS (the Research Fund for Coal and Steel) label, was launched in 2015. It is financed for 4 years and brings together partners from 6 countries: Germany, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and Poland.
  >The project’s dedicated website: