Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Department (CAMS) will make a significant amount of information on the air’s chemical composition available to the public, decision makers, and the business world. This also includes information on air quality, ozone layer performance, UV radiation and the effect of greenhouse gases on climate as well. All data are available for free and are for public or private consumption.
The European Commission has assigned the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) to establishing and managing the Copernicus Atmospheric (CAMS) and climatic (C3S) Monitoring Services. The annual general assembly is an opportunity for organisations contributing to the development of these services, for users and for European bodies review the latest developments and performance.
In collaboration with Météo-France, Ineris co-coordinates the Operational Production Department for forecasting and issuing daily air quality mapping in Europe and empiric secondary analyses of its development over the last few years. In particular, Ineris is taking part in producing this data by applying the “Chimere*” European air quality forecasting model in a similar fashion to the for the French Prev’Air platform. Ten other European modelling teams have been lumped together within this department
The Institute is also responsible for the dedicated department devoted of Outcome Support (Policy Department), within which products and tools adapted to European national authorities’ standards are developed. They provide, in particular, information concerning atmospheric pollution episode analysis and related key drivers - especially in relation to applying European air quality Directives.
CAMS services rely on combined real-time use of local and satellite-based observations and modelling outcomes. In addition to its role at the Centre of Excellence for the Automatic Measurement of Fine Particulates Composition (Aerosol Chemical Monitor Calibration Centre) within the European ACTRIS research infrastructure, Ineris is active in processing empirical data on particulate chemical composition and develops real-time transfer and data validation procedures,
The Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Department provides a range of products and services concerning the air’s chemical composition. Source: Copernicus CAMS/ECMWF
* developed in tandem with Ineris and the CNRS: