Our mission: from industrial risk to technological risk
30 years later, the Institute created with a staff of 450 people is now home to 550 staff, researchers, engineers, technicians and experts, together making up a French scientific and technical establishment that is unique in terms of industrial environment. Over three decades, through its capacity for expertise the Institute has been called on to play an essential role in the implementation of public policy for the prevention of accidents and pollution, and the risks that economic activity poses to the environment, health and safety.
In the coming weeks, the Institute will sign its fifth Objectives and Performance Contract with the government, which will cover a 5-year period. The orientations and the objectives set by the contract will once again serve to bolster the values shared by all our teams: openness, integrity, collective well-being and high standards.
With its renowned expertise in the field of technological risk, the Institute will continue its work in the prevention of accidents and pollution at both the industrial site and area-wide levels, and will broaden its capacities to provide support in emergency and post-accident situations.
In addition to its historic mission, Ineris has made the study of the hazardousness of chemical substances, as well as their impact on human health and biodiversity, one of the key pillars of its operations. In response to more recent societal issues highlighted by the ecological transition, Ineris has opted to dedicate a significant portion of its resources to examining risks associated with the energy transition and circular economy.