France 2030: Ineris a partner in two new exploratory research programmes

On Monday, July 18, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the General Secretariat for Investment published the list of the 13 winning projects of the second round of the PEPR (Programmes et Équipements Prioritaires de Recherche exploratoires – “priority programmes and facilities for exploratory research”) call for projects. Ineris is partnered with two of the 13 projects that were selected: IRIMa and SOUSSol, with respective budgets of €52M and €72M over a seven-year period.

The aim of these PEPRs is to establish or consolidate French leadership in scientific fields related or likely to be related to technological, economic, societal, environmental, or healthcare-related innovations. They are deemed priorities at both national and European levels and will strongly contribute to structuring national research over the next eight years.

  • The IRIMa programme is dedicated to "integrated risk management for more resilient societies in an era of global change."  It is a highly multidisciplinary programme that will enable skills to be pooled to focus on new approaches that will provide an improved ability to understand and anticipate natural and technological risks and their consequences. It is coordinated by the BRGM (French Geological Survey), CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), and Grenoble-Alpes University.
  • SOUSSol (“underground areas for all”)  studies the conditions for an optimal and sustainable use of underground areas by deepening geological knowledge and exploring the implications of their use. It is coordinated by the BRGM and CNRS.