Drones and underground spaces: meeting with Interreg GRoNe partners

At its offices in Verneuil-en-Halatte and Saint-Maximim's underground geotechnical platform, Ineris met with partners of the Interreg GRoNe program (Greater regions aerial robotics) on Thursday, March 29, 2018.

This project, brings together French, German, Belgian and Luxembourg partners, and aims to develop autonomous drones for the inspection and surveillance of former mines and underground quarries.

The meeting was both an opportunity to review the progress of the project and to present Saint-Maximim's underground geotechnical platform, where drones will be tested in the coming months.

Located in Saint-Maximin (Oise), Ineris's underground geotechnical platform makes it possible to evaluate the stability of underground structures. Ineris studies the mechanisms of rock deformation and collapse, and tests various innovative risk management techniques, such as consolidation and backfilling.