As part of the Third Regional Health and Environment Plan (PRSE3) for the Ile de France region and Operation 2.3 to “Identify the sources of emerging pollutants and measuring the contamination of environments” supervised by the Ile-de-France Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate for the Environment and Energy (DRIEE), Ineris recently carried out tests in its 1000 m3 fire chamber. The objective was to improve knowledge of brominated dioxins and furans that may be emitted during the burning of waste.
The tests measured emissions of these compounds by different types of material likely to contain brominated compounds, in particular brominated flame retardants: cars, seating, domestic appliances, plastics and electric cables.
These tests will help Ineris to develop its post-accident expertise with regard to strategies for sampling and analysis in post-fire environments.
This project, managed by Ineris and co-financed by Ile-de-France DRIEE, will result in the publication of a report in 2019.