Ambient air measurements to rank sources of pollution: new version of the European guide

The French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS), as part of its work for the French Central Laboratory for Monitoring Air Quality (LCSQA), is main co-author of the new version of the European guide on the ranking of sources of atmospheric pollution based on measurements of ambient air.

This involves the harmonisation and use of “receptor” models for the ranking of sources, carried out in collaboration with AQUILA (Air Quality Reference Laboratory) and the European research programme COST (European COoperation in Science and Technology) COLOSSAL (Chemical On-Line cOmpoSition and Source Apportionment of fine aerosoL), for which Ineris coordinates a workgroup ( This workgroup aims, in particular, to disseminate good practices for the use of automatic analysers for the chemical composition of fine particles to all of the European research teams, such as those of the European Research Infrastructure for the Observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace Gases (ACTRIS –

A first version of this document was published in 2013 at the initiative of the Joint Research Center (JCR) of the European Commission. Its revision, carried out within the framework of the activities of FAIRMODE (Forum for Air Quality Modelling in Europe), focused, in particular, on the updating of quality control procedures for measurements and results, as well as on the inclusion of new methodologies for ranking sources.